

Daily Horoscope for Scorpio on: December 21 – Peer into your future with! Astrology by Astara the Oracle

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Daily Horoscope for Scorpio on: December 21 – Peer into your future with! Astrology by Astara the Oracle

Scorpio (♏): Today Scoopic Scorpios, the celestial tides have aligned in mystical ways as of December 21st, 2424. While the Sun shines brightly in Capricorn, your ruling planet Pluto guides you through its transformative depths.

As Mercury aligns with Sagittarius, your intellect soars and communication flourishes, yet be cautious of Saturn’s square, allowing for a bit of tension and challenges to navigate. The cosmic dance continues as Jupiter trines Lilith, amplifying your intuition and encouraging growth in relationships.

With Mars conjunct Leo, passion flares brightly while Uranus sextiles Neptune, bringing creative sparks and inspiration. However, don’t let the opposition between Sun and Neptune overshadow these positive aspects – stay true to yourself!

The Moon’s square to Jupiter can lead to emotional turbulence, so be prepared for a rollercoaster ride of feelings. Yet, find solace in its trine with Uranus, which brings unexpected relief and balance.

Lastly, Venus harmoniously trines both Jupiter and Lilith, promoting happiness, growth, and self-love. ������

Remember to embrace the twists and turns life throws your way, as they always lead you towards something greater. Stay curious, stay grounded, and don’t shy away from the transformative journey that awaits. #ScorpioAstrology #SunSquareNeptune #MoonSquareJupiter