

Daily Tarot for Sagittarius on: January 5 – Peer into your future

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Daily Tarot for Sagittarius on: January 5 – Peer into your future

Sagittarius (♐): [Tarot: Sagittarius]

Here is your single Sagittary tarot card for today:

The Tower (9 of Swords) – Air in Sagittarius

The Tower, 9 of Swords, Air in Sagittarius


The Tower represents a sudden shift or an awakening that brings clarity and understanding after deep introspection. In this Sagittarian energy, the 9 of Swords signifies confusion and self-doubt, but ultimately leading to self-discovery and healing. This card encourages you to trust your inner wisdom and seek guidance when navigating through challenges.


Tarot: Sagittarius

TagName: Astara’s Tarot Reading