Daily Tarot for Sagittarius on: December 18 – Peer into your future

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Daily Tarot for Sagittarius on: December 18 – Peer into your future

Sagittarius (♐): [Tarot: Sagittarius]

Here is your single Sagittary tarot card drawing for December 18, 2024:

The Wheel of Fortune, by C.F. Haase

The Wheel of Fortune, a 5 of Wands reversed in the Sagittarian context, ��

3 | The mutable fire sign of adventure seeks balance and transformation through change in the cards chosen for you today.

The Wheel of Fortune reflects the constant cycles of fortune and misfortune that shape our lives. It brings a message to stay open to the ebb and flow of destiny while making conscious choices to steer its direction.

4 | As this card appears with 5 of Wands reversed, there may be some challenges in manifesting your goals and dreams. However, it also offers an opportunity for Sagittarians to take charge of their destiny by embracing change and learning from adversity.

5 | The key is to trust the journey, even when it seems uncertain or confusing. Focus on setting intentions while being flexible and open-minded, allowing the universe to guide you along your path. Remember that every ending brings a new beginning, and embrace this cycle with grace and gratitude. ��