

Daily Tarot Reading for: December 16 – Tarot by Astara the Oracle

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Daily Tarot Reading for: December 16 – Tarot by Astara the Oracle

[Tarot on

Astara’s Esoteric Tarot Reading for 12/16/2024

On this significant date, I draw the Knight of Swords from the Major Arcana. This card represents change, action, and swift decision-making in the air element. The knight is a dynamic, adventurous figure, embodying intellectual curiosity and assertiveness. They are often associated with communication, travel, and the spread of new ideas.

However, it’s important to remember that while this card brings energy and motivation, it also urges caution against impulsivity. The Knight of Swords may bring an influx of thoughts and information, but it can be challenging to differentiate between useful insights and distractions. Be mindful not to rush into decisions hastily, as they might lead you astray.”]

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